We always put you as an individual and your company in focus. Together, we create a business-based learning that helps you reflect deeper than you usually do – who are you, what do you do and why do you exist?
We draw examples from your business, with concrete challenges to create strategies and tools for long-term and lasting effect. We help you work together – not just at the same time.
We always put you as an individual and your company in focus. Together, we create a business-based learning that helps you reflect deeper than you usually do – who are you, what do you do and why do you exist?
We draw examples from your business, with concrete challenges to create strategies and tools for long-term and lasting effect. We help work together – not just at the same time.
Good communication is the key to success and is considered more important than ever by both managers and employees.
To succeed well with one’s communication requires both knowledge and an emotional ability. And not least about timing.
A good dialogue is largely about listening – and then making yourself understood. About meeting your colleagues and customers with trust and respect. Your way of communicating, your desire and your ability to control the dialogue are important factors for success.
As a leader, having the ability and knowledge to choose the right strategy for the right situation is crucial if you are to become a successful leader over time.
About the education
One of your most important tasks as a leader is to run an operational business – commercially and efficiently. As a leader, you must also organize, lead employees, set goals and enable the efficiency of the team. Through your leadership, you can motivate, engage and develop employees to perform better and thus achieve the desired results. Being a leader is a work of art. This course will help you become a better leader by increasing your self-awareness. You will have to do a DISC analysis to learn more about your own behavior – about how you are experienced and what you are driven by. Who are you and who are the others?
The DISC analysis helps you to
- Be able to more clearly understand different people’s needs, their strengths and weaknesses.
- Understand what drives other people? Why is the same situation experienced in different ways?
- To be able to develop your way of meeting others and doing better business.
- To show how different behaviors complete the team so that you reach your goals!
- Creating self-insight – What drives me? Why do I not get certain things done? How am I perceived by other people?
The only thing that is lasting in a business is that changes take place. Conditions change all the time and affect your business – change is a normal condition! To be successful as a leader in change work, it requires structure, clear goals and that the employees regard you as a clear and competent leader. Leading in change is a craft and you will need to adapt your leadership to the situation.
About the education
How do you succeed with successful change?
- Create an emotional vision of a better future
- The process of change
- Anchor the change in the company culture
- Understanding of the human reactions to change
- Create a perceived necessity
- How to implement the I-change in daily work
- Set SMART goals
- How do I get everyone with me on the journey of change
- Form a strong steering group to lead the change to an improvement
- Give employees responsibilities and powers to act and remove organizational barriers
- Invest in short-term victories through feedback and follow-up
- Anchor the profits and continue with the change work
- Training with personal feedback
What characterizes really good service with you? And what behaviors do you reward for making this happen?
That response variations are common on what good service is does not feel strange. Service is an experience. What feels strange is when companies have not communicated, and trained on, how they want to be experienced! – Today, all research indicates that the service experience is crucial for the survival of companies. We want to do business, and work for, people who confirm us and have an image that we can identify with! The service strategy must therefore be well established in all employees. Only when they can describe how you are to be experienced and what it means in the conversation, in the email and in the meeting with your customers and employees have you succeeded in creating a strong performance culture. A culture where people work together and not just at the same time. Working in a values-based company does not mean that we cement a way of working – it means that we give our employees tools that make it easy to make decisions. The leader’s role is crucial and the company’s success. This training gives you the tools and methods you need to succeed.
- What is the company’s overall business concept?
- What characterizes a good service experience?
- How do we create a service culture that makes us unique?
- What attitude and behavior is a prerequisite for good service?
- Basic platform for developing a service culture
- The role of the manager in overall corporate initiatives
- Values and principles – what drives the development towards a service culture
- Game rules – clear and stated game rules for good service
- Approach – what expectations does the customer have of service
- Strategy for how to carry out overall company initiatives
- Work methodology – how to organize and work long-term
- Tools and methods for successful long-term development
- Motivation and needs – how to create motivation and commitment effectively
- Specialization in human behavior in the event of change
- Training with personal feedback
Having the ability to present an idea or make a drawing clear to the audience can be absolutely crucial to whether you should be perceived as credible. In this course, we focus on developing your ability to convey messages in a convincing and credible way.
- Successful communication
- Basics of presentation techniques
- Different reaction patterns in the audience in both positive and negative confrontation
- Handle objections and comments constructively
- How do I deal with my nervousness?
- Different personality types and how to handle them
- Handle difficult situations and difficult audiences in a constructive way
- Conversation strategies
- Requirements for speakers and presenters – what are the expectations of an audience
- Methods for planning, preparation and organization of presentations
- How to use scripts and images as support and tools
- Tools for presentation – choose the right tools for the greatest effect
- Basics of pedagogy
- What affects the audience’s interest
- How to avoid the most common pitfalls of oral presentations
- Create contact and activate the audience in an inspiring way
- What affects the audience’s interest
- Own presentations with personal feedback
The goal of the training in business acumen is that you will become more professional and confident as a leader.
The effect of the training will be more committed and efficient employees, which creates increased profitability with more satisfied customers as a result.
Business acumen includes finance, recruitment, presentation techniques and meeting techniques. In other words, it is the very foundation of your business success.
Target group: Leaders and board members
Being able to attract the right employees is one of the most important issues for companies today. But how do you know what makes the company attractive? And how do we retain and develop our employees so that they choose to stay in our company – and become the company’s ambassadors?
- How to become an attractive employer
- My responsibility as an employer
- What is the company’s overall mission and what is the vision
- What is service and service culture
- Attract
- Recruit
- Introduce
- Develop and maintain
- Exit
- Development through constructive feedback
- Tools and methods for successful long-term development
- Training with personal feedback
The Challenge is the name of our leadership training that will equip you with an attractive leadership for the future.
The goal of the education is for you to grow in your leadership role where you are today. The result of the training is measured through the improvements in the employee survey. You and your team should perform and feel even better.
You get an extra high value if you get a few pieces from your company, for example all or parts of the management team.
NEXT OPEN 3 DAY CHALLENGE PROGRAM: October 21-22 and November 11, 2019
TRAINERS: Linda Hammarstrand and Jens Hector
PRICE: 1490 EUR excluding VAT
Contact Linda Hammarstrand or Jens Hector if you want to know more about the course and get a more detailed course program.
Linda Hammarstrand
+46 707 17 70 30
Jens Hector
+46 703 51 51 89
Everyone who meets customers, patients, guests or clients acts as a messenger of the company’s values. Your attitude towards each other, your customers and suppliers, can be a success story – or completely ruin the business! It is the customers’ perceived feeling of you that oxygenates your brand.
Succeeding in being professional in every customer contact creates a unique competitive advantage. A trust, a good reputation, is created by employees who have managed to eliminate varying service. They are simply great all the time – even when everything goes down the drain! Great service is about building trust. To meet the customer with respect. This may sound simple but then this education would never have been fully booked.
In this course you will learn how to increase your competitiveness.
- What is service and service culture
- The company’s values
- From often good to always the best – this is how we make our customers love us back!
- How to create a clear service plan – a process for excellent service
- Care sales towards increased results
- Success factors for professional customer meetings
- Successful communication
- Customer psychology
- How do I handle customer complaints in a professional way
- Make your customers ambassadors for your brand
- What requirements and expectations does the customer have of me and the company’s service
- Training with personal feedback
- Action plan – how do I implement the tools in the daily work for lasting effect and results
Do you have your own employees who would be suitable to handle the training and development internally? Then we can help them succeed!
Through a so-called “Train the Trainer”, we give these people an education in communication, pedagogy and presentation techniques for the exact education they will then carry out in the company.
We train “block by block” and give tips and advice on how these should be implemented to get the best results. Each “block” must then be approved by us through a “run-up” – all to ensure a high quality.
The DISC theory gives us knowledge of our four different basic behaviors. We humans are experienced differently and we get our energy from different things depending on what behavioral profile we have.
-Are you an analytical, driving, inspiring or a supportive person? Yes, we have a bit of everything in us but one thing is for sure – we have our basic behavior in one of the colors.
The lecture offers an entertaining overview that helps us build teams, develop leadership and improve our communication. Our customers include everything from small teams, large companies and public administration.
What color do you have and what color do the others have?
You get many good tips on how you and your employees can become even better at collaborating and meeting your customers in an accurate way!
This lecture is tailored to the number and number of participants requests. We can direct the education towards:
We can Disc up to 120 people at a time.